Thursday 20 September 2012 relaunch

I guess by now all of you have already heard of
you havent hear shame on you!

It a auction side. It own by 3 young entrepenuer.

Last tuesday evening, i got invited to attend a relaunch at Hammerston at Robertson walk. I just go to see what surprise they have instore for us.

Guess what, now they have 3 different type. The regular auction, a new sale section and a buying section.
This mean if you hate to auction or hardly win can just go buy straight away.

Why not go to and check it out.

There many activities going on at the relaunch. Games for all of us to enjoy! There also lucky draws.

The winner will receive 100 tokens to spend on biding the item on the website.
There free flow of wines( i drink 6 glasses hehe) and also lots of foods for the hungry people.
It a enjoyable nite. Everyone get to mingle with each other. I even manage to talk to one of the owner. They were drunk somehow.

Why you all waiting for?
Go to now!
The item that are sold and up for auction on
The 3 owner of doing a demo while they are drunk...hehehe
Chilling after the demo while waiting for lucky draw

More crowd!

Start bidding now!!!!

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