Monday 17 September 2012

holika holika

I am so lazy to take care of face for a very long time! Been ages since I bought myself a new facial wash. Been using the same type for 1 year plus

This due to holika holika close down!! Yes closed down! Wtf sia!!
I got membership card and it never been used!!!

I annoyed that they just closed it

Finally they reopen!!

But sadly the one I used is no longer stock excerpt the egg
Yes the egg!!

I just buy a different kind then!!

It located at b1 isetan wisma atria

Near the door! Beside ettusai
Not much choice though. It small that why I guess! I didn't get the bb cream though I need it soon!

This what I get!
It a facial gel
Kinda like facial wash but put on the face and then wash off!!

Will be back when I get my pay!

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