Monday 22 October 2012

Treating your kid as if they were 10 years old

This is a true story!!

This mom is like a Tiger mum. Yesh it exist in Singapore too. But what is the problem. The kid is already 20 years old!

If 15 years old a curfew is okie I understand
But nope no curfew!
Nothing can!
Even a simple go out eat also need ask till fight!!

Further more people tell her it wrong guess what she say you shut up!
Wtf sia!!

If people say you don't want listen that your problem!! Not mine

But wtf you shout at people!!

Then she never wrong others always wrong!
It just that she think she the queen! Even queen Elizabeth say sorry when say wrong!

So what should the kid do??

The grandparents was scolded too when they try to tell the mum!!

I dont want post this but I guess she force me to tell the world!  How a queen she is!!

You decide

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