Monday 11 June 2012

My 2nd trip to Harry Potter the exhibition

Yesh if you read my blog last week, I already went to the exhibition!

Today I went again. Though I went to all the exhibition too! I went on a Monday thinking not much people will go but still full!
I decide to try take pics then in the end I never buy as I was short of cash and also I didn't look that good!

Anyway here the pics!
Not much as you know I can't take inside the exhibition

This was the car Ron and Harry ride on the 2nd movie!

They selling the guidebook $35 each.

The souvenirs store. Bought my sweets and my slytherin scarf here!! I want come back to buy the wand (snape's) and also take pics $60.
July pay why you so far away!!!

All the poster from all 8 movies

And here the rules and regulation

Kinda dark though

Here 1 pic of the shoppes

Kinda blur!

I bought this sweet

I like cherry and some flavor is yucks!!!!!

And finally my slytherin scarf

Will wear when I go holidays!!!! Hehe!!!

So why wait? Come and visit as many as you can!

I been twice you?

Are you even a pottermore???

I am! See my phone theme hehe

Even though I like slytherin
I in love with Ginny Weasly and Luna Lovegood they are so cute!!!
Can I marry one of them!! Hehe!
And I want be Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw.
Gryfindor too many like!! I don't like though Ginny is from gryfindor!

If at universal studio Singapore got Harry potter rides I will never want go home and want stay at hogwart

I guess you want to right!

Ok lah time to watch more Harry potter then!

And this what I wore today

Thinking it gonna be shot day but it a cool day! So make wrong choice to wear shorts!!

Should wear leggings underneath

Okie lah time to rest ! Tomorow work

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