Monday 11 June 2012

Museum: Art Science Museum

Today as I have off, rarely I got. Decide to go there to see the museum and the exhibition!

So I buy the all access pass.

It for Harry Potter the exhibition, Andy Warhol 15 minutes and the museum itself.
I buy Harry potter for 2pm since I reach around 1 40pm. I wait awhile before going in!

Here are the ticket booth

If you are Singaporean you will get local discount which is $4 cheaper. But do buy here as if you buy at sistic, there no discount!

The whole museum you can take pic for exhibition but outside and entrance you can! Kinda wasted since you pay alot! I guess most museum is the same.

Here are the pics of the art science exhibition area. It a perm exhibition but may change if got new exhibition.

Here they show a mini museum

The outside view

The Harry potter banner

Exit area

The entrance and exit are special. You scan barcode then push the metal pole to enter!

No need to tear the tickets. But keep your tickets, if not you can't exit!

A few I notice has to exit from the side cause they can't find or can't scan!

Next 2 post will be on the exhibition I went to today!

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