Monday 28 May 2012

Workshop: Panasonic Photography Workshop

I decide to join this workshop organise by Panasonic and It was held at Albert Court Village Hotel. The workshop is not on the specs or all about the camera but about how you can use your pictures to make your blog more exciting for your reader.

The camera we use are panasonic lumix. It a good camera. Was told it cost around $1099 if you wish to buy 1. it a compact camera with the function of dlsr.

There 3 person who do the presentation.
First was Christine, she a blogger too, she present on how your pics can make your blog exciting. Adding photo to a blog will change how a post is. What she say is true, Who want read just words only.
Next was Jerome. He a photographer so he present on how to best used your photos and make it into a story
The last to present was the people from panasonic. Sorry i forgot his name. Totally slip my mind.
Anyway he teaches us on how to use the function on the camera so we can used to take pics later on during the tour
After all the theory, i kinda getting sleeping. Next is the exciting part. The tour!
We went 1 whole round of Little India. Not all but in a round. You get it! Here all the pictures that i have take for the tour! It about 200 plus but I gonna choose just about 20-30 for all of you. Enjoy and tell me what you think.

More pics will be on my facebook. I will upload all there.
Want be my friend add me on fb!


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