Saturday 28 January 2012

Movie: We Not Naughty

Went to watch it just now Since it create lots of buzz The movie kinda long 137mins Some part are draggy and too long to even understand And there a part not worth even to be in the movie The teacher run naked around the school wasn't even show that it worth to do it You see which teacher ever do it The teacher wife is really blur! There also some part never explain why The show are ok but not great The story are similar to what it been done Storyline are no different from the director previous work Just he repeat again how important to care for your parents and parents should care for the kids Not by giving money it all okie The boy Amos who kinda infamous now is kinda irritating With his American accent Lucky only a few scene If not I not want watch! The project of the innovation of helicopter is genius But but need more to make it better though Here the syinopsis Genre: Comedy/Drama Director: Jack Neo Cast: Daniel Chan, Xiang Yun, Shawn Lee, Joshua Ang, Cherry Hsia, Loi Fey Huei, Eric Moo, Yan Li Ming, Jacky Chin, Amos Yee Runtime: 2 hrs 17 mins Rating: PG Released By: GV & Clover Films Official Website: Opening Day: 19 January 2012 Synopsis: Wei Jie and Jian Ren are best of friends in school, and they both face their share of family problems; Wei Jie has a gambling addict father and his mother who does not think highly of him always condemns him. Jian Ren comes from a well-to-do single parent family but has an estranged relationship with his mother. He becomes rebellious to spite his mother and even becomes a runner for the loansharks. They both share the talent and interest on gadgets inventions but their efforts are never recognized. CK, as their lecturer, tries to build a rapport with the boys but ends up being snubbed. His patience pays off and the boys end up seeking help from him for their family problems. CK even help the boys to create an invention for a competition. However, their invention is misused by the loansharks and in an attempt to stop that, CK, Wei Jie and Jian Ren’s lives are at risk. -Follow me on twitter: @welovepororo Like me on FB

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