Friday 25 November 2011

News: 97.4% PSLE passes, top student from Rulang Primary

97.4% PSLE passes, top student from Rulang Primary

By Amelia Tan

Two Indian pupils came in number one and two in the nation for this year's Primary School Leaving Examination.

Yasmin Ziqin Mohamed Yousoof from Rulang Primary came in top in the nation with 283 points, one point ahead of Muzammil Arif Din Abdul Jabbar from Anglo-Chinese School (Primary).

Overall, the results for this year's PSLE cohort were similar to those of last year's batch.

Of the 45, 261 Primary 6 pupils who took the exam this year, 97.4 per cent or 44,106 pupils did well enough to move on to secondary school.

SINGAPORE - The Primary School Leaving Examination (PSLE) results were released today, and 97 per cent of students who sat the exam passed and qualify to move on to secondary schools.

The cohort's top student was Yazmin Ziqin Mohamed Yousoof from Rulang Primary School, with a score of 283.

She is also the top Indian pupil.

The top Chinese student is Hannah Tan Jia Hwee from Raffles Girls' Primary School, while the top Malay pupil is Natalia Nadila Muhamad from St Hilda's Primary School and the top Eurasian pupil is Bjorn Kaijun Betzler from Anglo-Chinese School.

The Ministry of Education said that of the 45,261 who sat the PSLE this year, 62.9 per cent have made it to the Express course.

Another 23.1 per cent will head for the Normal (Academic) stream while 11.4 per cent are moving on to the Normal (Technical) course.

MOE said 1,555 pupils did not pass the PSLE and will go for vocational training.

Parents can submit secondary school options for their child at the primary schools.

The secondary one posting results will be released on 21 December. CHANNEL NEWSASIA

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