Sunday 6 November 2011

Concert: MeRadio Rocks

My dad won 4 tickets
He give it to me
End up only 2 are used!

I go to The Promotory @ Marina bay to collect the tickets
The event is at the same venue
Went to queue under the hot sun till I got headache later on

Went back to fetch ahgirlplussize and then go to the event

Went back around 3 plus and it still empty and soaring hot day!

Tents to collect tickets, register, food and drink area
The drinks are sold by dbl o
The partner for the events

So we buy some late lunch and seat at the side to eat!

Then we decide to go closer after eat

So tired and music are kinda duh! We go seat at side again!

Around 6plus
Guess what special area are open to public

To add more people go infront?

Another problem
Each performer are cut short
So instead of 5 songs become 3 or even 2

End up we went off to bugis to shop!

It kinda sad that a event for locals stars to shine but yet become bleah!!!

Around 7 we went off

I guess they need reorganise
The host are basically unknown to most!
They should get those well known dj better
I don't mean to sound bad but it the reality

Mediacorp screw up big this time
Maybe they need reorganise


Good nite

-Follow me on twitter: @aidanYellowPiG
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