Friday 28 October 2011

Bedok Interchange - a place full of memories

Those who live in the East sure know this historic place

This where those born in 80s hang out after school
Before tampines mall days!

Here a few pics I taken to remember the interchange before being demolish for new and high class interchange

A pic of the whole interchange

The shop used to sell tidbits but close down already!

Open air queue

They repair and guess what they change to green

Where can you get a 10cents phone anymore!!
This more modern used the phonecard too

More of the scenery

Used to be a KFC and staff canteen but both close down
You can still see the old stone chair of KFC
The wall still got the tiles pattern too

There you can see the pattern

Old style board
Hard to find nowadays

Here more pics

A tile being repair

That it! Go take pics before it demolish!
It will just remain a memory!

A memory last a lifetime
Forget the sadness remember the happiness :-)

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