Thursday 15 September 2011

Night safari halloween horrors is CANCELLED


"Hi guys, I was involved in last year's halloween horrors and was gonna be in this year's too as a scare actor.

The entire event was planned by a group of students from SP's Diploma in Events and Project Management as their final year project, just like last year. Everything from the theme, costume design, recruitment/audition of actors to the actual planning and exectution of the event was and would have been done by them. Most of the scare actors, about 90% of us, are either poly students or recently graduated poly students.

The last minute cancellation came as a huge shock to all of us involved because it's less than 3 weeks to the start of the actual event. I was actually at the night safari trying out my costume the other day and when i got home at night I heard that someone high up decided to pull the plug on it just like that.

This annual halloween event has been going on since 2007 and is always a huge success in both drawing crowds as well as making huge profits for the Night Safari/Singapore Zoo. it is ridiculous to expect anyone to believe that the actual reason of cancelling such a highly anticipated event so close to its start is to make way for events like a Deepavali festival or other 'family oriented' events.

If they were against this from the start they would and should have cancelled it a long time ago, not only now. Not when all the costumes are done, makeup artists have been hired, scare actors auditioned and trained, props and decoration on site been set up, roadshow booth opened at Orchard and even tickets already gone on sale.

To people speculating about there being a religious nut behind this last minute cancellation, that certainly seems to be a possibility. From what we understand so far, the decision came from Wildlife Reserves Singapore's new interim CEO, Isabella Loh. (you can google her elite, uncaring face) The reasons we got apart from the one they told the media is that 'having an event like Halloween Horrors is like worshipping the devil.' I'll say that the people working at the Night Safari/Singapore Zoo, members of the public and of course the students who are directly involved in creating this event are all extremely disappointed in this shocking decision. I'll leave you to draw your own conclusions as to what is going on..."

3-4 weeks to the events
And they decide to cancelled!
Replace by deepavalli!

Funny right
It been held every year!
Even the ads and promotion has been done!
Now they decide to cancel it!

The reason family oriented events should be organise!

Complains has been up all over the Internet
It seem that they just make people don't want go zoo anymore

I was planning to go but then now it cancel
So what now?
Go club what! Club on Halloween
Dress up and club is lame!

Haiz try to see if they going do a Halloween ghost house or attraction
If I know I will propose to downtown east or something
Build a hunted attraction
Like in las vegas

Anyway here the ads and promotion at orchard cineleisure

-Follow me on twitter: @WaterMelonXian

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