Tuesday, 23 August 2011


Not fire flame but the kind people just anyhow blame you, scold you, gang up and make you a laughing stock

Yes in the social media
It happen alot
On Facebook, YouTube and even twitter
On forum has been very long happening
But on facebook and twitter are new

Imagine saw your pic all over getting flame!

That why even you copyright
You will never know where your pic will ever end up!

Example now
Steven lim is been flame by some hater
He created a faked account just to twit about Steven lim

A loser with infamous star
Good pair indeed

A guy was try to be funny to Xiaxue end up been infamous
He happy now he is famous
He no different from the guy who run back to china after flaming Singaporean


Sometimes is good but most of the time it just worse!
It just a different way of bullying!

As I was typing this
I saw a ads for can you serve
They are selling duck rice to difficult customer!

The girl even get bully!! By a wtf customer!

Why can't we get courtesy customer!

It remind me of the security guard who shout at us for his top up not topping up!
He just lucky
If not he sure get punch!
Wtf no maness!!!

Why people don't even respect anymore!

It sad but never pity them!!



-Follow me on twitter: @WaterMelonXian

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