Saturday, 13 August 2011

Faked seller!!

Nowadays there alot faked seller
They will use social media like blogs, Facebook and twitter too

They will look so professional
The blog so real
FB pics all so real
Even got a form for order
But after deposit money!
She/he disappear and blog you as seller

I sometimes vary of them
To buy online is like risky
That why I always make sure it real
That they never disappear or delete me after payment made

If I list them it never end till new year!

I tell you they will cheat and cheat!!

Those who thinks it easy to cheat!!
You forgot?
Your bank account got your name!!
Ip address and even phone 3G network can detect you!

In the end report is made
You will cry to mummy!!

Not just seller
Faked buyer too
Say buy then say pay later
In the end item receive but never pay!!!!

Worse right!!!

As if they no money! Poor or just a idiot!!

I wish they know how much they try they will get caught 1 day!!!

Think before you do it


I will update on the list once my FB groups on blacklist untrustworthy seller

-Follow me on twitter: @WaterMelonXian

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